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Old 04-03-2001, 02:51 PM   #41

Posts: n/a
Looking Forward!

It's been said before, This is not just a screensaver but a full-blown 3D
application that can run as a screensaver.

Lets look at it this way. Fast computer/Good 3D card = Good environment for
the fish. (More fish and Healthy fish). Slow computer/Weak 3D card = Poor
environment for the fish. (Less fish and Weak fish) It's up to you. Spend a
little money to upgrade your computer or the fish suffer.

I can't wait to see the wonderful things that this program has in store. It was
released as an impressive 3D environment. Future developments (as mentioned above
by Feldon) seem geared for an amazing 3D environment.

One more rant. Why do some people think everything is a conspiracy. Computers
get faster and graphics get better because of consumer demand. It would be a lot
easier and cheaper for every one involved if technology stood still, but it's not
going to. Just think of all the money Nvidia could save from research and
development, and I wouldn't have to upgrade every year or two. You don't have to
have the latest and greatest every 6 months, BUT to enjoy your computer to the
fullest, I've found, you need to stay within 2-3 years of the latest technology.

If Jim doesn't keep the cutting edge some one else will.

Sorry for going on a rant.

Jim, Keep up the great work, and don't hold back. I, like the overwhelming majority
will keep up and enjoy your efforts to the fullest.
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