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Old 08-03-2005, 06:40 PM   #86
Jim Sachs
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Join Date: Dec 2000

Location: Southern Oregon
Posts: 9,782
Prolific is the on-line publisher: maintaining the SereneScreen Website, processing on-line orders, writing the code for interface updates and handling all customer-service.

Encore is the hard-copy publisher: manufacturing the disks and boxes, distributing the product, and convincing store chains to carry it.

I get such a tiny percentage from the hard-copy version that I've never really paid any attention to what Encore wanted, but this time they're only asking for a couple of fish to tide them over for the Xmas season. Since the 3.0 version is at a standstill until Will Ware gets a handle on shaders, I figured now would be a good time to introduce a couple more fish. I can always use them in the 3D version anyway.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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