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Old 12-04-2005, 02:20 AM   #47
Jim Sachs
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There are two backgrounds for both Mac and Windows machines - the normal one at 1024x768 and the widescreen at 1280x768. If the bubble column is in the left half of the screen, you are looking at the normal version. The widescreen has the bubble column on the right. What you are asking for is not a widescreen aspect ratio, but a higher resolution image. Some Macs don't do a very good job of stretching an image of this resolution to fill a hi-res display. Some do. I've seen it looking really fantastic on the Mac cinema display. Many retailers were encouraged by the Apple field reps to use the Aquarium to sell those machines. I have no idea why some of them can't do a proper interpolated stretch.

At any rate, the steady increase in resolution capability for all personal computers is not lost on me, which is why the 3D background is my next order of business. People keep asking me to name a resolution for the next version, and I usually say something like 3200x1600, but that's actually misleading because everything will be 3D objects. They will get sharper and sharper as your resolution increases (like the fish do now). The textures on the objects still have a certain resolution, but it's surprising what you can get away with there. Many of the fish textures are 64x64, and some are 64x32. As long as the objects are kept a good distance from the camera, they look sharp.

What won't be happening is a higher-res 2D background. It's a total waste of time. The 1,310,720 pixels of the existing background took the better part of a year to create, so double that resolution means 4X as many pixels and 4X the time.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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