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Old 02-23-2006, 01:34 PM   #1
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Marine Aquarium Time LOGO Support

Since the Time/Logo/Crystal feature is now going to be built into the main Aquarium product, can we PLEASE see this feature cleaned up?

I know that Prolific added the ability to import monochrome BMP files of just about any size and the Aquarium resizes the logo and lets the user place the logo on the crystal. But there are many many problems:
  • Poor to average logo quality
  • Most users don't understand that monochrome and black and white refer to a 2-color BMP. Most people equate this with an RGB file with no color or a greyscale image. I get more e-mails about people trying to use the Import Logo button than any other issue with the Aquarium.
  • Unable to remove/uninstall the logo (must find and delete a file named MA_Ext.p1p -- couldn't this at LEAST be named logo.bmp?)
Marine Aquarium Time supports the excellent PNG-24 file format and I have published logos in this format. However users have trouble using them because they first try (and often fail) to get the results they want with a BMP and then the Aquarium is stuck displaying the BMP and won't display the superior PNG logos they subsequently try to use.

At the very least I would like to see a Remove Logo button. 3 levels of difficulty here:
1) Delete the BMP logo if one exists or send a shell request to open the Program Files\Marine Aquarium Time\ folder so users can manage their logos.
2) Display the filename of the last displayed logo (BMP or multi-PNG) and prompt to delete the file.
3) Create a logo picker.

I think choice 2 is a good compromise in programming difficulty.

I would like the functionality of the Import Logo button extended to include PNG files. It would simply check the dimensions of the image to make sure it is a valid PNG and then copy them to the appropriate dir. And it would automatically delete the built-in BMP logo.
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