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Old 03-11-2006, 01:21 PM   #218
Jim Sachs
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Join Date: Dec 2000

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Not counting all the driving required to take photos, it takes about two days to create a normal fish (like the Achilles Tang), and about four to make a Lionfish. We've just about exhausted the list of beautiful fish with these latest ones. The research has become very difficult as the species get rarer. With 3.0, I can start branching into invertibrates and other forms.

In computer-years, 5 years is not just old, but ANCIENT. Encore, the publisher of the hard-copy version of the Aquarium, says the Aquarium has had an unprecedented run. Shelf-life of software is usually measured in weeks or months, not years.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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