Thread: Dual Monitors
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Old 06-19-2006, 04:01 AM   #21
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I don't know for sure what Ed is seeing either, you'll both have to ask him nicely for a photo! - He's been promising to take one for months!

As for the pass-throughs, I hadn't noticed the second one! - I simply wanted to get a quick screen grab, and noticed that I had caught a neon/barb 'coming together'. - It just goes to show how frequent the occurrence is with Aqua Garden. I don't understand why they haven't improved things after all this time. Until Dream Aquarium came along, I considered AG the best freshwater screen saver, with lots of potential once they fixed the ridiculous number of pass-throughs!

ps, - They might believe you, Doc. - They don't seem to want to believe me!
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