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Old 11-17-2001, 12:44 AM   #14
Thought to be Extinct
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Posts: 180
Hehe, don't get me wrong, I'm all for affluence (whatever that is...I have no first-hand experience...)

I think I'm a special case, though, having been innoculated against "mug-and-t-shirt-envy" from years of working in the computer profession and amassing a ludicrous amount of mugs, t-shirts, pens, pins, hats, magnets, bumper stickers, bubble wands (!) and other baubles from every corporate software and hardware marketing gook I've ever shaken hands with.

I have to admit that some of it is cool, though. I don't use Macs, but Apple sure handed out some nice freebies back in the early days. And I still have all of the old Apple tie-tacks, including the Apple II, Lisa, the original Mac, and Apple III ones. Maybe they're worth something now...

Hey, maybe when Jim makes that movie he's planning on making, all of these free mugs and t-shirts will appreciate in (monetary) value too!
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