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Old 04-25-2007, 09:28 PM   #499
Jim Sachs
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Join Date: Dec 2000

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I'm happy to announce that finally, after months of trying, I have a Shader working in the Aquarium program. At the moment it's producing a primitive version of the lightplay on the gravel floor (no other objects, yet). This turned out to be incredibly hard for me because I not only had to grasp a rudimentary understanding of Shaders, but mix them in with normally rendered objects. Through literally thousands of experiments, there was simply no effect at all on the screen. Today I finally tracked the problem down to a seemingly unrelated issue, and BANG - there was lightplay on the gravel. I almost missed it, I was so used to the routine of Try Code>Compile>Run>Fail>Repeat that my finger was already on the ESC key.

This is a major milestone which has been holding up progress for a very long time.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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