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Old 12-22-2001, 10:35 AM   #13
Thought to be Extinct
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Join Date: Nov 2001

Location: My Watery Abode
Posts: 180
Fair enough. I go about 80-85 WPM, but I can understand that many people can't keep up with that.

Actually, as far as the answering of questions goes, I don't see a whole lot of use for the chat format. The forum serves that purpose nicely. While chats have a more "personal" real-time aspect (but as Jim mentioned, that real-time aspect is also a limiting factor), the chats seem a bit redundant for the purpose of actually imparting information. Did I really learn anything new from reading the chat transcript? Something that hadn't been mentioned before in the forums or FAQ? Nope. But I guess that's not the main point of having a chat. The main point is the "personal" aspect of it.

....which brings me full circle to the other point I made: It's sort of hard to get the "personal" touch out of one-word "yes" or "no" answers. Of course, a lot of the questions were simple yes-no questions, too. A good interviewer asks more open-ended questions. But then Jim wouldn't be able type fast enough to really respond to a lot of open-ended questions. Hmm. Guess we're stuck then.
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