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Old 12-23-2001, 01:01 PM   #26
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Let me try to clarify things for the people who weren't there. In the first place, everyone did ask their questons. That was the whole point of the chat in the first place. But there has to be some structure to the process, or Morgan is right, everything ends up in total chaos. If you have 20 people all trying to post a question, and make a comment, at the same time then there is no continuity to the process and no one can follow anything. The words and questions just flow past the screen into oblivion before Jim has a chance to direct a response to anything. To alleviate this problem, the room is set to moderated, which means that no one can type in the room except Morgan, Jim, or I. When someone asks a question, I get a list of all of them in real time, ( this way the only ones flooded are Morgan and I ) and I post them one at a time in the room, so everyone can see it and Jim has a chance to respond to each question one at a time without being flooded. That way everyone gets a chance to ask any question that he or she wishes, and everyone can easily follow the whole process.
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