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Old 10-25-2007, 09:59 AM   #35
Jim Sachs
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Well, I can say right now that nothing significant will be happening before the end of the month. I'm currently stuck in the busy-work of reversing every texture used by the fish. The old program needed the images to be upside-down, while the new one uses rightside-up textures. I spent the last few days getting the first fish working in the new tank, finding a lot of changes that have to be made to each fish. It took me a while to realize that the eyes and fins were not moving because when you use shaders you are responsible for manually supplying all the transformations for objects; the parts are not automatically multiplied by the World Matrix or their local matrices. Ha, ha - more technical details than you need to know?

Anyway, one fish is now happily swimming around a rather blank tank. In fact, right THROUGH the few objects that are there, since there is no collision-avoidance yet.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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