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Old 01-14-2002, 09:52 AM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2001

Location: Japan
Posts: 33

Thank you very much on ur reply...

I have tried for a long time... I used to believe that it is the heat problem, usually found SS freezed and also my keyboard and mouse... almost everything and I did fix it. I have just recently found that my system did not crash, just the screen and keyboard and maybe mouse. I CAN PING AND COPY FILES FROM MY PC VIA NETWORK. This makes me think again about the software issue. Yes u r right about the driver but I have no idea, no clue what should be used. So asked for someone may have this experience...

Sorry if this topic annoys u people, but I don't wanna regist any other hardware/problem website to consult this problem. And this should be the right place because I don't use any 3D software other than Sachs Aquaruim.

I have some questions, please give me ur suggestion or opinion.

1. Is it possible if the hardware issue like overheat or unstable power supply system can cause only the software crash, not the entire system crash ??? Like in this case, GF2Pro may draw too much power and because the AGP slot is not AGP Pro so the problem would occur only on function of the VGA driver (and its driver + keyboard + mourse) not the whole system.

2. Does anyone have experience about using too low power supply, say 250W, to feed high power consumption system like Athlon TB 1G ? What would happen then ? Entire crash ? Parts crash ? Permanent hardware damage ??? (I'm not sure if I would buy a new PS and the problem would be solved, now my Matlab & simulations run perfectly).

3. Which parts of software take responsibility for the display, keyboard and mouse ? Only VGA driver routine doing all of these or there are three or more separated parts take individual responsibilities to each function ?

Thank you... to be patient reading until this line

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