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Old 04-14-2008, 05:17 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2003

Posts: 45
Originally posted by Tiny Turtle:
I believe a whole lot of people vote on this poll and think they voted on whether or not they will have music or bubbles themselves which isn't the question. It's about what will be on the first time MA3 starts up after installation.  
Hey everybody! Hope you all are doing fine; haven't posted for a while, but have to respond to this thread (and to Tiny's post, just to show how I voted).

I have been following the making of MA3 and am waiting in anticipation for Jim's beta. It can't appear any too soon for me.

I voted for bubbles as default. I know that Jim is working on having music for the aquarium and I can only speak for myself, but I am personally against ANY music in the aquarium. This is an aquarium; I enjoy the aquarium for itself, not by it being able to play any music. I also would hate to see it ruined by having ANY default music (forgive me, Jim, whether it be classical or otherwise). The sound of bubbles is acceptable to me, but having music playing at the start is unacceptable. Please, Jim, have the MA3 default to no sound or at the most to bubbles.

I understand of course, that there will be an option to disable the sound.

I'm a purist when I enjoy aquariums. Bubbles are ok; music is not.

For the record, I turn off the bubbles on all aquariums. Bubbles are more or less natural in a home aquarium, music is not.
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