Thread: ACK! Shark!!
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Old 02-26-2004, 12:56 PM   #3
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Re: ACK! Shark!!

Originally posted by Sasquatch
I love Marine Aquarium.
Great. We love to hear that. That's why we continue to develop features for it. We have another thread on that here.

Marine Aquarium with 'live' backgrounds would be better.
Mr. Sachs has artistic control over MA. He'll get to that soon (soon being defined in geologic time ), but he is busy at the moment with Fresh Water, which should be astounding.

Fresh water would be kinda cool.
And we plan to start on that when it is completed for Windows.

I still want Goldfish (mainly because of the interactive environment).
We're busy working on that right now. You should see the other threads on this board for UI screen shots. Don't remember if I posted a shot of the tank or not.

But now, there's SHARK! I gotta have it! WOW!
It's in the queue to follow Goldfish. Some of our work on Goldfish will transfer over to sharks.

What's the story on the Mac versions of this stuff??
It's in the pipes. The best thing you can do to speed development is get all of your friends to buy the Mac version of Marine Aquarium through the Order N Development web site. The more the product makes, the more time we can justify spending on similar products. The Mac development is done by Order N Development, LLC and we are paid based on sales of Mac products. People using Windows keycodes on Mac products are within their rights, but it hurts development of future Mac products, as does each pirate.

Seriously, it sure seems like a lot of effort is being spent on new products (don't get me wrong, this is great) - but we Mac folk are still stuck with just the plain old Marine Aquarium.
Because we have to rewrite the Windows product pretty much from scratch we can't start until the Windows product code is stable, which usually means it has shipped in final form. Marine Aquarium for Mac shipped with features the Windows product is only now (18 months later) delivering: multi-monitor support, single program support for wide and normal screens. Hopefully, the extra features the Mac versions ship with will help offset the pain of the wait. We have other features which will ship soon, and which are not available on Windows (yet): fish favorites, cycling random fish automatically, possibly enhanced environmental controls.

What about all us Mac people with bulging wallets just waiting to plunk down cash for your stuff? I've been drooling for so long over all this cool stuff, that I'm living in my own saliva filled aquarium. When are you going to bail me out?
Interesting mental image. Please see the thread about "new products at Order N Development" for news on Goldfish. We have a lot of different things in the pipe (we helped to ship Macromedia Studio last year - Freehand, Fireworks and a new product to be released this summer). We have an educational product in the works. Marine Aquarium continues to take development time away from new products as well. Beyond that, we set higher standards each release for "Mac first/only features" as well as maximizing our usage of the machine for optimal performance to make Windows users covet our Macs.

We REALLY appreciate your enthusiasm for the products. We're peddling as fast as we can. Encourage your friends to buy Mac Marine Aquarium if they will use it on a Mac and ALL of our new products. Buying through the Order N Development web site helps us too. The more the market rewards these products the more time they get from us.
Jim O'Connor
Order N Development
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