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Old 11-10-2007, 11:49 AM   #20
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I hear what you are saying, Pat. (Very clearly! ) - But you can't know that that is what happens. In fact that has NEVER happened in the past to my beta testing key codes. ALL the others still work! (Except for Goldfish 2).

Why are there so many Prolific bashers on this forum? ... Probably because we are not wearing rose tinted glasses. Perhaps if you received the sort of emails that I have from Reichart, you might see things differently.

If we can't report things as we see them, then beta testing becomes pointless. If all they want is positive comment, (and loving praise ), then a group of yes-men will fill the bill. (...And a bug-ridden product would be the result). We are not owned or paid by Prolific, we do the work for no payment, our only reward is a keycode. Which looks like it has now timed-out.
At the very least, they could offer us the final product at a reduced rate. - Though I think I might tell them what they can do with it!

Without doubt, the fish in GA are the stars! - But the plants and background pale into the shadows when compared to Marine Aquarium or Dream Aquarium.

And BTW, - it is not Prolific, that we have to thank for this forum etc. ... it is J Sachs, Michael and Morgan.

In fact, if you saw some of the PMs that I have received over the years, you might be very surprised at who else agrees with me about Prolific.
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