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Old 03-29-2004, 12:32 PM   #54
Marian Nichols
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Join Date: Apr 2003

Location: Rocky Mount, NC
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Have y'all never heard the saying 'war is hell'? There never is anything fair about any kind of hatred we may have towards one another. But there is also the premise that if we do nothing when we are attack but stand back like whimpering dogs with our tails tuck between our legs, then we deserve any additional abuse we may received. What has religion got to do with war? What has religion got to do with politics? None!! But it does. We all know that it does. Two wrongs do not make a right. Islam in its truest form is as good as any. All religions, even Christianity keep women in servitude. I look at today’s liberation of women and people of minority races; they do not know how to handle their new found freedoms. These nations that are receiving democracy will not be able to hang onto them. There are always tyrants in the wings waiting for opportunities to leap like a lion on a lamb and seize the power as so many have done throughout history. Yet we continue to struggle, to fight, because if we don’t, then ‘we are history’ as a free people. Do I believe in war? Yes! I will fight right now for my home, my family, my friends, my freedom, and woe to those who might come between me and those I seek. You are either with me or against me. If you are neutral, then get out of the way, because if I must I will go through you. So there is my opinion on all of this, and I grant you the right to yours.

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