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Old 02-16-2007, 11:58 AM   #405
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Can you give some indication of how display on dual monitors will be implemented? - Will we see approx 2/3 of the new, nearly two widescreens wide background, displayed across our two 5x4 monitors? - Or will we still have only a clone on the second monitor, - as in the present MA?
I'm not referring to horizontally spanning an image across two monitors. I'm referring more to the way that Dream Aquarium is intended to cope with two screens. .... But I don't see how that can be achieved from one 32:9 image. It seems to me that it will have to be viewed in horizontal span mode. - And that will be a great pity, as that would mean having to have everything in span mode, (which would not be good!). Or the alternative, which would be to switch to span as and when required, - and that would be even worse!
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