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Old 03-08-2003, 07:24 PM   #66
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Morgan ....
The current brown Queen Angel scored behind the other 20 fish in a poll
then ....
The outcome shifted slightly...
Jim ....
The Queen Angel ranked dead last, so I replaced it.
then ....
If another one is extremely unpopular, I'll probably replace that, too.
"scored behind"
"shifted slightly"
"dead last"
"extremely unpopular"

I'm sorry if this sounds very picky, but IMHO there is a fairly big variation in emphasis there!
Looking at those graphs and pie charts, my conclusion is that the vast majority are very close in popularity!
Yes, the Queen Angel is last at one stage, and second last in the other. - But only just, and by a small amount!

I don't call that 'extremely unpopular' .... I still like it, it's a very nice piece of artwork and an elegant fish, in my book it's very near the top of the list, - and I wish it wasn't changing.
I'm sure the replacement will be an equally fine piece of work, and that we will no doubt get used to it. - It just seems like change for change sake, when what we have is superb!

Lets have another poll! .... I'll make multiple entries on the forum, under every name I can think of, - then my favorites will never come last again!

/Tiny ballot-rigging. - (Used under licence .... not!)
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