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Old 12-08-2002, 01:27 PM   #15
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Morgan, Thank you for your prompt reply. You are quite right, If that screen shot is an accurate representation of the clock, then I will not indeed be buying it.

I can not agree with your need for the clock though. The Aquarium only ties up the entire screen when in full screen mode. Under those circumstances I am not using my computer as such, and can use the many clocks around the house to tell me the time, - or even the one on my wrist! - The SSA is a wonderful simulation of a tropical marine aquarium, not an additional time piece to add to the others I already have.

I agree that possibly the most tasteful way to put a logo or clock INTO the aquarium, as opposed to ON the aquarium, would be on a crystal of some sort. - But not that one! .... It doesn't look like a crystal, it looks more like a broken paving stone. The clock is badly positioned and ill-defined. ........ subtle it is not.

If it is not intended for us, I don't see the point of presenting it so prominently on this forum, with the caption ....

"Marine Aquarium Time will be $24.95 and there is no upgrade/sidegrade price from the other aquarium products. It's a business product primarily."

You only use the word 'primarily' - so I assume we could purchase it , - if we wanted to.

Please do not take this personally, as you appear to be doing so, I am only giving an opinion. I respect you for, amongst other things, providing us with this opportunity to have our say in something we feel strongly about.

ps, Jim, - I hate it!
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