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Old 12-08-2002, 06:02 PM   #19
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Jim, - I would really have preferred not to go on any more about this. as I have had my say, and I believe in knowing when to let go, as you might say, in a disagreement. But it could also be thought rude if I ignore your comments, as they are directed personally to me. I fully take your point about transparency, and no, I have not seen the glow when the lights go down, The background colour showing through in that static shot unfortunately gives it a dark slab of concrete look to me, which gets emphasised by the rough broken white edging. (can you now see my broken paving stone analogy?) This was one reason why I asked if the screen shot was an accurate representation, I suggest now that it is not.

If we must have a clock, my visualisation would be more that of a taller, chunky glass crystal type mini monolith, irregularly shaped, but not with such rough edges, more with some facets that could catch the light. The hands and hour markings would be more clearly defined, and accurately positioned. Lets face it, a working clock, in an aquarium can hardly be considered natural, so I don't see any need for it to blend too much with the coral. Just a nice piece of cut crystal for the fish to swim around.

I sugest we now draw a line under this, and thank you for your interest in my views.
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