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Old 07-23-2003, 11:58 AM   #68
CTO Prolific Publishing
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Center for Disease

1. Q: you state that getting struck by lightning is more likely than being passed over for the database, but you then mention 3% fail on database and .001% for getting struck :P

A: Correct, Lets say your odds of getting struck by lighting is 1 in a million. Your odds are even more remote (will happen less often) than that of not being in the databse.
So far, we find that in every case a person says we some how forgot them, or the database is missing them, in fact what happened is they signed up very very early, before we (Prolific) built our database, or were even working on this project. Before that the base was email, and kept by hand.
I don’t have any evidence at all of people not being in the database that asked to be in the database. People are assuming that if they ever sent an email, to any person in our company, or to Sachs himself, they were magically placed in the database. This simply is not true. And all said, I have only fielded about 20 such issues over the past 2 years.
So, the 3% is referring to people being moved from Email to the database.
In order to get in the database, you have to manually and consciously check the box that says something like “Yes, send me spam…I mean…email notices”
2. Q: I am actually surprised you keep all the old emails, makes me feel kind of imortal.
A: Yes we do. We keep everything that was keepable. Meaning, back in the old days some of the emails were lost. Your emails have been requested by the FBI 4 times. Watch out 

P.S. If you ever want me to decode the marketing b*ll of the CDC, I’m thinking of making this a service. Based on the way they present stats, one would think every human being will get VD by 18, die of HIV, be reborn only to die again from second hand smoke, or heart disease, or breast caner (regardless of your gender), then be reborn again to die of a disease no one has heard of.

And, jokes aside, if anything I wrote about the stats is not clear, I would be more than happy to get more specific.
Reichart... , CTO, Prolific Publishing, Inc.
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