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Old 06-03-2005, 10:41 AM   #21
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It is my understanding that starting it as a program instead of letting windows start it as a SS does change the priority.
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Old 06-03-2005, 10:45 AM   #22

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I'll have to set MA as my default SS (I have "none" selected now, as I don't want my computer to automatically start a SS), and see if it runs jerkily (is that a word?).
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Old 06-03-2005, 12:38 PM   #23
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I see that everyone has pretty much come to the same concLusions that i have at this point. The onLy thing that makes any sense at aLL is that, somehow, the way XP handLes/Launches itz screensaver programs is causing it to run rough - i just can't pin down exactLy where i can possibLy tweek it in so it runs Like it does when I Launch the program myseLf. I reaLize that it's reaLLy not a big deaL - Launching the program myseLf. Anymore, this has become a quest (for me) to find the answer to the eternaL question: "why?"
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Old 06-03-2005, 12:53 PM   #24
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I could be wrong here, but this is my thought.

When you launch it yourself in XP you are starting it as a program, which carries a slightly higher priority within the Windows system, so whatever is in the background is not interfering with it at this point, even though whatever it is probably is there anyway. When you let windows launch it in SS mode it carries about the lowest priority that there is as far as windows is concerned. So whatever is running in the background at that point can and will steal clock cycles and cause it to run jerky.

I would suggest that you hit Ctl+Alt+Del and go to the task manager and write down everything that is listed there. Then start down the list shutting down everything one at a time and then letting XP start it as a SS and see if it still does the jerky stuff. When it stops doing that, you have found your culprit.
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Old 06-03-2005, 01:09 PM   #25
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"Bah, I say! A Geforce2 is more than enough to run the aquarium perfectly well at 1280x1024, heck and Radeon 7200 is really just a renamed Radeon 32MB DDR which was ATI's competitior to the Geforce2 back in the day... I've run the aquarium just fine at 1024x768 on a TNT2 and a Geforce2 MX400 smokes that old thing... For that matter, the Geforce2 MX400 is what's integrated in Nforce2 IGP chipsets and all the systems I've built with those (dozens) run the MA and GA demos just fine."

I agree - & besides, the screensaver runs perfectLy when I Launch it myseLf - so obviousLy the GeForce2 is running it just fine.

"I still think that there is something hidden in the background of XP that is stealing clock cycles and making it jerky."

If there is something running in the background then it must be "seLective interference" since it onLy interferes with the program when it is running in screensaver mode & NOT when i Launch the program myseLf.

"What I am saying is that if the hardware runs it fine within the 98 OS, then the same hardware should run it equally as well within the XP OS in a dual boot system, unless something within the XP OS is interfering with it. Its the exact same hardware for both OS, granted the driver versions would be different for the same video card to operate within the different OS's, but the hardware remains the same"

ExactLy! And i'm thinking that it must be something regarding how XP Launches the program more so than background programs steaLing focus since the program runs fine when I Launch it myseLf.

"But she's saying it does work fine in XP when she starts it herself... Only when the screensaver timer starts it does it mess up...
"If something is interfering with it in the background it would happen regardless of how it started... Unless it runs as a different priority (and from my experience pitting MA vs F@H that's not the case)."

Thank you drFish - i couLdn't have said it better ...

"It is my understanding that starting it as a program instead of letting windows start it as a SS does change the priority."

CouLd this be where the probLem originates? How to determine ... How to fix ...
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Old 06-03-2005, 01:47 PM   #26

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I think the problem is that your "l" key is stuck in caps mode. That is sure to mess with the screensaver.
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Old 06-03-2005, 01:54 PM   #27
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Have you tried restoreSCR.reg yet?
How do other screensavers run? - Are they jerky also? - Or is this version of MA the ONLY one that's jerky?
When you uninstalled it, did you run Morgan's regclean script, before reinstalling? (It cleans out the registry).
Have we established which version of MA it is? - Does the same happen with MA2, MA2MD, MATime, Time2MD?

ps, - Good one Clint!
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Old 06-03-2005, 02:28 PM   #28
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"I think the problem is that your "l" key is stuck in caps mode. That is sure to mess with the screensaver. "

Ahhh, a comedian
Force of habit - started doing that after my "L" got confused for an "I" (& vice versa) on some onLine forms & caused some pretty nasty probLems ...
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Old 06-05-2005, 03:27 AM   #29
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my concLusions

First, I want to start by saying THANK YOU for aLL the great input I've received from so many of you here. I've been foLLowing the Leads & trying out the ideas & suggestions put forth in this forum. The good newz is that I did come up with some answers that I wouLd Like to share. Now I'm certain that many of you aLready know the foLLowing information, but there are pLenty of peopLe (Like myseLf) who are not as weLL informed - if I can heLp just one ...

The screen fLicker & the jerky movement were (are) two seperate probLems; I was abLe to resoLve the screen fLicker by adjusting my screen refresh rate up to 75 & setting no Limit on the FPS for the screensaver. ApparentLy the timing was off just enough to cause random "cLashes" (for Lack of a better word) between the screen refresh & the changing frames in the screensaver. I set the FPS & screen refresh rate using simpLe "triaL & error".

The jerky movement, I traced back to my firewaLL (Sygate) by process of eLimination using msconfig. It's true (as some of you stated) that winXP pLaces screensavers Low-to-Last on its priorities - so when it is Launched as a screensaver it's Low enough to aLLow my firewall to interfere - thus causing the jerky movement. However, when I Launch it myseLf, winXP treats it Like a reguLar program & pLaces it at (or near) the top of its priorities & weLL above my firewaLL - therefore, no interference!

I added the Reg edit "restoreSCR.Reg" which resuLted in no discernabLe difference either way.

So now I know ...

I'm fairLy certain I know whats what, so now I'm going to gush (just a LeetLe bit!). This is one of the most beautifuL programs I've had the pLeasure of acquiring yet. The precise detaiL, reaListic movement, & soothing water sounds ...stunning (& sooo reLaxing) - You've done a reaL good thing here...


p.s. I prefer to Launch the program myseLf anyhow, i just wanted to figure out the "why" ...
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Old 06-05-2005, 05:00 AM   #30
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Sounds like we now have a very satisfied customer!
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Old 06-05-2005, 05:05 AM   #31
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Glad you got it working right.
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:41 AM   #32
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Glad you figured it out. I knew it had to be something running in the background.
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:55 PM   #33
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(my capitaL "L" & i are a happy pair !)

Thanx again ...

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Old 06-06-2005, 01:29 AM   #34
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Thanks for getting back to us with the fix. You can see what a tough job our customer-service people have. Imaging getting a call from someone who barely knows how to turn the computer on, and trying to talk them through everything you just went through.
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Old 06-06-2005, 11:40 AM   #35
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"You can see what a tough job our customer-service people have."

Yes. And I admire them for it. Patience is, most definiteLy, a job requirement - infinite patience!

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